How can a radiologist add value to your clinic?

Using a specialist radiologist as part of your team can add tremendous value to your practice by helping you to … 
• increase your confidence and support your recommendations by providing a specialist’s opinion
• save time
• lower the risk of missed lesions and interpretation errors
• provide value to the client and the practice
• improve your documentation
• reduce your stress and worry
• spend more time with your patients
• tailor your case workups to enhance the quality of care provided to your patients
• have your specific questions answered
• practise better medicine
• create learning opportunities
• make your veterinarians even more profitable, as additional diagnostics and procedures may be indicated and recommended
• increase client satisfaction and confidence

Radiologists are always looking for lesions and have a trained, expert eye to help you locate as much as possible from each radiographic view. Every interaction with our imaging specialists is a learning opportunity.

Board-certified specialists in Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging have 4+ intensive years of additional post-graduate training, specifically focussed on understanding all of the imaging modalities and how pathology may appear in each modality. They are always looking for the unexpected.

