Case Submission

Thank you for sending your study to us. If you are already using Imaging Vets, please fill in the form below.

If you have not sent a case to us before, we are able to accept direct online transfer of your DICOM images, once we get your viewing software setup. Please fill out the ‘Enquiry Request’ form so that we can call you to get you started.

If you are already using, or would prefer to use the Vetology or DVM Insight platform, we can help you with that as well.

If you want to send us Jpegs while you wait to get setup, then please attach them to an email. A jpeg report will state that the assessment has been performed on jpeg images and that some information can be lost in this format.

We also have our own Imaging Vets Cloud (this is like dropbox), where you can transfer large data files to us if you get stuck. We can also set this option up for you.

So, you can see, you have lots of ways of communicating your case information to us.

Please fill in your full name

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If NOT an Australian phone number, please include country code.

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Your email address will never be used for evil

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Patient Clinic Identification Number

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Please let us know what we can do to assist you.

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Please let us know what we can do to assist you.

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Please let us know what we can do to assist you.

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Is a previous study available?

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